MIRROR#2~Chill Out
Video installation/ 7:35/ 2009
music:MAHO HIKINO, Haruna Karasuda
music:MAHO HIKINO, Haruna Karasuda
私はこの『MIRROR』シリーズで、新しい「絵画」の可能性を提示する。 企画展『Chill Out 展』にむけ、Chill Out(チルアウト)への考察を経て、制作。 (Chill Out について) チルアウトの本質は、リラックスそのものが目的ではなく、それにより沈静化した自分自身の心に向き合うことにある。 『Chill Out 展』にむけての作品について思索しているときに、私は明治神宮に立ち寄った。静かな境内と、人の手で作られたとは思えないほどの豊かな森の中で感じたのは、自分の心が研ぎすまされていく感覚である。座禅に似ているなと思った。チルアウトの本質、目的はこのような、リラックスするというよりむしろ、静かで心地よい緊張の中にあるのだろうと思った。 チルアウトミュージックは一般的に静かでスローテンポなものなので、何気なく聞いていれば、単なるBGMのように聞き流してしまうだろう。葉ずれの音と同じで、自然の中で感じる空気と同じである。感動は、生命の根幹における部分での、共鳴によるものである。おおげさなことではなく、葉ずれの音に耳を澄ませ自然の空気を感じ取るように、音楽に聴き入ることで、こころや体は同調し、心地よさや豊かさを感じる事が出来るだろう。 |
I have been working on a video installation series titled "MIRROR" from 2007. In it, I present new possibilities of what a painting can be.
I considered carefully about Chill Out and made this work, for a feature exhibition "Chill out exhibition". The image is the same as "MIRROR#2", music was changed for the purpose of tasting more slowly. (About "Chill out") As for the essence of cill-out, relax is not the purpose but it. It is in facing its own calmed-down heart. The essence of cill-out is not for the relaxation but for facing its own heart which this calmed down in the relaxation. While contemplating about the work towards a "Chill Out exhibition", I dropped in at Meiji-jingu. The quiet precincts of a temple and the fertile woods which cannot consider that it was made from people's hand by them, and I felt by which my heart is sharpened well in there. I thought "Like Zen". I thought that the essence and the purpose of cill-out is not in a relaxation, in such as quiet and comfortable strain. Chill Out music is calmly and slowly generally, so it will be neglected like BGM, if it is heard casually. It is the same as the sound of a leaf gap and the air felt in nature. Impression is based on the resonance in the basis of a life. It is not exaggerated. By listening attentively to music, such as strain your ears in the sound of a leaf gap and take in natural air, your heart and body can be aligned and could feel comfort and abundance. |